Applied Hydrology

The central theme of Hydrology is that water moves and recycles throughout the Earth through different pathways and at different rates. The most vivid image of this is in the evaporation of water from the oceans forming clouds. These clouds drift over the land and produce rain. The rainwater distributes into lakes, rivers, or aquifers. The water in lakes, rivers, and aquifers, then either evaporates back to the atmosphere or eventually flows back to the ocean, completing a cycle. The importance of hydrology is increasing because of the global growth of water needs and increasing water scarcity. There is greater risk and unreliability in water resources management. The basic task of a hydrology is water resources management. This course determines the water balance of region, designing riparian restoration projects, mitigating and predicting flood, landslide and drought risk, designing irrigation schemes and managing agricultural productivity. Part of the module is catastrophe modeling, providing drinking water, designing dams for water supply or hydroelectric power generation, designing bridges, designing sewers and urban drainage system, analyzing the impacts of antecedent moisture on sanitary sewer systems and predicting geomorphological changes, such as erosion or sedimentation. Another major part is assessing the impacts of natural and anthropogenic environmental changes on water resources, assessing contaminant transport risk and establishing environmental policy guidelines.


1. MS.c. Applied Hydrology
2. M.phil Applied Hydrology
3. P.hD. Applied Hydrology



Semester -1

Sr. No. Course Code Course Title CH
1. HYD 301 Surface Water Hydrology 2+1
2. HYD 302 Ground Water Hydrology 3+1
3. HYD 303 Hydrometeorology 3+1
4. HYD 304 Fluid Mechanics 3+1
5. HYD 305 General Geology 3+1
Semester -2 Total Credit Hours 19
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title CH
1. HYD 306 Statistical Hydrology 3+1
2. HYD 307 Ground Water Development and Exploration 3+1
3. HYD 308 Computer Programming 3+1
4. HYD 309 Water Pollution and Control 3+1
5. HYD 310 Numerical Methods and Mathematics 3
Semester -3 Total Credit Hours 19
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title CH
1. HYD 401 Catchment Modeling 3+1
2. HYD 402 Ground Water Modeling 3+1
3. HYD 403 Remote sensing and GIS 3+1
4. HYD 404 Irrigation 3+1
5. HYD 405 Project Report 2
Semester -4 Total Credit Hours 18
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title CH
1. HYD 404 Reservoir Operation and Design 3+1
2. HYD 405 Dissertation (Viva Voce Examination) 6
Total Credit Hours 10
Total Credit Hours: 66

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Semester – 1 (Compulsory Course)
Srr.. Noo. Course Code Course Title CH
1. HYD 501 Natural Hazards 2+1
2. HYD 502 Sediment Transport and control 2+1
3. HYD 503 Investigation and Development of water Resources 2+1
Elective Course
Sr.SrNo.No. Course Code Course Title CH
1. HYD 504 Stochastic Hydrology 2+1
2. HYD 505 Hydrometry 2+1
Minimum Requirement: 12
Semester – 2
Compulsory Course
Sr.SrNo.No. Course Code Course Title CH
1. HYD 506 Flood Estimation and Control 2+1
2. HYD 507 Dams and Reservoir Engineering 2+1
3. HYD 508 Ground Water Resource 2+1
Elective Course
Sr.SrNo.No. Course Code Course Title CH
1. HYD 509 Computer Models in Hydrology 2+1
2. HYD 510 Snow and Ice Hydrology 2+1
Minimum Requirement: 12
Semester 3 & 4
Sr.SrNo.No. Course Code Course Title CH
1. HYD 601 Thesis (Based on original research) 6
Minimum M.Phil. Requirement: 30


Note: 02 cor- courses and 02 elective courses (12 credit hrs) will be taught in each 1st and 2nd semesters



Sr. No. Course Code Course Title CH
1. HYD 701 Water Resources Sustainability and Modeling 03
2. HYD 702 Urban Hydrology 03
3. HYD 703 Field Applications of Water Resources Management 03
Minimum Requirement: 09
1. HYD 704 Advances in Hydrological Sciences 03
2. HYD 705 Case Studies of Ground Water 03
3. HYD 706 Snow and Ice Hydrology 03
4. HYD 707 Hydrometry 03
5. HYD 708 Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing in Hydrology 03
6 HYD 709 Research Methods 03
Minimum Requirement: 09
Minimum Course Work Requirement: 18


Note: 01 core-course and 02 elective courses (09 credit hrs) will be taught in each semester.